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God Over Drugs

Toxicology Ministry


He Who Is in Us Is Greater

In the eyes of God, one life ruined or lost due to drug abuse and/or overdose is one too many. In fact, it’s not just the person doing the drugs that is hurt by the decision they make or circumstance that led them to use drugs. But the lives of families, friends, and entire communities are also forever changed, scarred, and destroyed by the ripple effect of drug abuse and overdose as well. And this is exactly what the Enemy wants—that is to use drugs as a means to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10).


However, because we are sons and daughters of the God of all existence and the One who is in us is greater than the one who is in this world (1 John 4:4), we will have victory over the Devil and in the spiritual fight against drug abuse and overdose just as Jesus Christ has already put him and these things under His feet.

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Purpose of Toxicology Ministry

Educate believers and their families on the truth of why individuals turn to drugs


Explain how drugs can control and cause harm to a believer’s body, which is the temple of the Holy Spirit, as well as destroy the life of the user, relationships, families, and communities


Toxicology is the study of biological, chemical, and physical agents that cause harm to the human body as well as its restoration from the toxic effects of such agents. The focus here is on chemical agents, such as drugs. Not only is drug abuse still a major problem, but in just the last several years the overall deaths in the U.S. as a result of drug overdose (whether intentionally or accidentally) have climbed sharply, particularly those deaths associated with synthetic opioids (namely fentanyl). Thus, the purpose of the Toxicology Ministry is to equip individuals with the truth of God so that they not fall into the Enemy's drug trap and to choose life. The ministry's purpose is five-fold as follow:

Clarify God’s position on drugs and their uses



Elucidate why the Enemy desires to keep as many believers as he can dependent on and addicted to drugs

Renew the minds of and equip followers with the truth so that they choose God over drug abuse and overdose


Drugs: The Lies that Kill, Steal, and Destroy

John 8:44 clearly tells us that Satan is the father of lies. And the lies of the Devil come in many different forms. But the most recognized is spoken words. Other ways he can present his lies are in writings, images, persons (men and women), places, things, whispers, songs, voices, and so forth. After all, Genesis 3:1 does tell us that Satan is quite clever in his deceptive dealings. He will use whatever he can to deceive us. ​So, this means that drugs can also be lies as well depending on how they are being promoted. To understand what this means, let us examine the account of Lot, the nephew of Abraham, who got drunk on wine (which contained ethanol) and unwittingly committed incest with his two daughters. Of course, the incidents can also be viewed as Lot being unknowingly raped by his daughters as well.

How Do Drugs Cause Toxicity?

All drugs have the potential to bring about harm to the body, especially when abuse, misuse, and/or overdose. There are many factors that contribute to the toxic nature of a drug. They are the chemical structures of a drug and its metabolites; route, rate, and frequency of drug administration; how the body handles a drug (i.e., absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination); the concentration of the drug; length of drug exposure; and the age, sex, biology, drug profile, and health status of the person. But of all the factors mentioned, the chemical structures of a drug and its metabolites are the main determinants of their toxic or undesired effects.

Ken’s Background in Toxicology & Drugs

Like many out there, Ken grew up with family members and individuals who were destroyed by drugs. As such, he completely understands the negative and destructive impact drugs have on the lives of all who are affected. In John 14:16 Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life.” As a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, Ken has a strong desire to use the Word of God and his knowledge of drug toxicology (which God enabled him to acquire) to help individuals choose God over drug abuse and overdose. And when a person chooses God, they are choosing the truths over the lies, life over death, and victory over defeat!


As a healthcare professional and biomedical scientist, Ken has over 15 years of combined life science teaching, clinical laboratory/toxicology testing, and molecular toxicology research experience. In addition, Ken possesses a strong understanding of physiology, biochemistry, and molecular genetics; drug kinetics (absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination); and drug dynamics (mechanism of drug action and toxicity at the cellular and molecular levels).

Ken holds an Associate of Applied Science in Allied Health Science from the Community College of the U.S. Air Force and Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Medical Laboratory Science from the University of Massachusetts Lowell. Additionally, he is nationally certified as a Medical Laboratory Scientist by the American Society of Clinical Pathology (ASCP).

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